Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 19

Since I fell asleep around 4:30AM I woke up around noon.  And Daniel followed 30 minutes later.  We had planned to take a theatre jazz class at 1PM, but that was out the window.  It was a long weekend for both of us so we spent to morning, once again, vegging.

But I was determined to not let this day be a total waste.  I looked up a daily schedule of classes at Steps and there was an advanced beginning ballet class at 6:30PM.  Just what I needed after a weekend en pointe.  Not to mention a good precursor for an audition Daniel and I had the following day. So, after the internet gave out, Daniel and I got it together and headed downtown. 

The class was ok.  A little slower than I normally like, but I found some things to work on.  In any class, no matter the level, you can always find something to work on, whether it's your feet, core, flexibility or what have you.  No matter what, a class is never a waste of time.

I was planning on going to the gym after class, but the class was over at 8PM.  I would have gotten to the gym around 8:30 or 9, and it would be getting out around 10:30.  So in the interest of not getting home close to midnight, I opted to go home cook a meal and go to bed.  I wanted to catch up on blogging too, but as mentioned in Day 18, the internet was not yet back up.

Daniel moved back into his own place that night.  I gotta say it was good to have him around for a lot f reasons.  Daniel is a fun guy who knows how to have a good time.  He never takes anything too seriously which is a trait I long to have.  But Daniel also struggles with his own issues.  Drinking being one of them.  And while I never fault anyone for their choices regarding liquor (God knows I've made some interesting choices) he does show a drinking pattern I don't wish to emulate. 

As far as a drinking pattern I do wish to emulate, I'm still working on it.  While my foray into having a drink last night proved that while I can have control over my drinking, sometimes I'm not going to want to.  And if that's every once in awhile, that's fine.  But at this point, starting to drink on the regular again is a slippery slope into drunk every night.  Since I don't want that to happen, I'm still gonna keep on the straight and narrow at least til the 30 day mark.  Especially since I'm possibly having a Chicogo callback around the 28 day mark.  It'd be good to keep a level head until then, and (hopefully) have a reason to celebrate.

Netflix/Hulu+ of the night: Desperate Housewives
Non-alcoholic beverage of the night: Bedtime tea with honey

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