Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 23

After a long busy week, I of course stayed up until 5AM after day 22.  Half because I was catching up on blogging, and half because that's just what I do.  For some reason I refuse to just turn off the lights and go to bed.  I'll always throw on another episode of something and stay up watching it, and then wonder why I'm so tired all the time.  I would blame liquor not being there as a downer, but even when I drink I follow this pattern.  Maybe I should give myself a bedtime again.

On the plus side, even when I go to bed late, I try to plan out at least 6 hours of sleep.  It sometimes changes into 5 or 4 1/2, and that sucks, but normally I have enough sleep.  It's just at far different hours than normal people.  For instance, since I fell asleep around 5AM last night, and I only had 4 1/2 the night before, I set my alarm for noon.  Luckily, my life of leisure allowed me to do so.  There are times when not having a job comes in handy.  It's just very few and far between.

When I woke up at noon, I lazed about as the past week had pretty much kicked my ass.  As I was lazing I realized that the cough I had last night, which I thought was from dehydration and exhaustion, had turned into a bit of mucous in my throat.

So, I'm pretty sure I have a mild cold.

This was confirmed when I went to therapy and felt a little loopy.  And then went to my voice lesson and could make my voice do what it normally does.  Or, I could, but not in the right way.  Used more muscle than breath.  Whatever, I was coughing a lot.  My coach could explain better than I can.

I had packed my stuff to go to the gym, but with feeling the way I was, I decided it was better to head home.  So I bought some fixings for sicktime comfort food; tomato soup, goldfish crackers, and grilled cheese.

I went home and hunkered down for the night.  This doesn't feel like a cold that will knock me on my ass or keep me coughing for 3 weeks, but since I have a callback for a really good job next Friday, I'm not taking any chances.  I'm gonna kick this thing in a few days, dammit.

Netflix/Hulu+ of the night: Dollhouse
Non-alcoholic beverage of the night: Nyquil (wait, that has alcohol in it, doesn't it?)

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