Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 24

OK, I knew it would happen eventually.  I fell so behind in blogging that I forgot what I did on the day after the last day I posted.

I would say that I didn't do anything, but I distinctly remember leaving the house that day.  Granted, it may have been just down the street but I know I did at least for a bit because it was the day my room mate's mother and friend arrived.  I remember helping him clean in the morning cause goodness knows you don't want to look like a slob when a mom is around. 

They arrived later in the day, but I wasn't here when they did.  Ah, YES!  I went to the gym.  My routine had been so off this week because of the auditions and class and Halloween, that I decided to jump start myself with a full-body workout.  Maybe that would help me kick my cold.  I started with some cardio and did one exercise per muscle group.  I didn't stretch at the end as I should have, but hey, at least I worked out.

I got back and bags were there, but no visiting ladies.  They had gone out.

I believe the rest of the day consisted of me cleaning up even a bit more and lazing about the house with my eyes transfixed to one piece of technology or another.  I now own four devices that can connect me to the interweb.  My MacBook Pro, on which I write these blogs.  My PS3, which is hooked up to my television, and allows me to watch my Netflix/Hulu+ on the big screen.  My iPhone 4, which I was forced to get only shortly before the 4S, due to me losing my Droid.  And finally, my iPad 2, which was a gift from my producers for a job well done this summer.  I could have used the cash more, but it's a very fun toy.

The thing that keeps me glued to my iPad most these days is a game called Zombie Farm.  You plant Zombies as well as tomatoes, carrots, onions and such, build a farm and invade surrounding "villains."  I've never been a fan of the online farming games, but I am a fan of zombies, and it was Halloween, so I indulged.  And I think I've finally figured out why people like games such as these.  The planting and harvesting, and earning points, and beating enemies give you a sense of accomplishment.  But at the end of the day, all you've really accomplished is staring at a screen for a certain amount of time where you could have been doing something more productive, like blogging about what you did last Saturday....

Let's move on.

The room mate and his mom and her friend didn't get home till after midnight.  They had seen The Addams Family on Broadway and gotten a drink afterward.  It was nice to meet them.  They seemed like fun older gals who were enjoying a little vaca.  I didn't really know why Casey's mom, Donna decided to bring her friend, Nancy to stay in her son's apartment, but hey, a vaca is a vaca.  And a girls' night out is a girls' night out.  And they would prove to be a fun time.

Netflix/Hulu+ of the night: South Park (man I love that show)
Non-alcoholic beverage of the night: Some sort of tea (I think) with honey

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