Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 11

So aside from cleaning and shopping for groceries to try and be healthier today, I did something that could possibly be bad for my sobriety.

I refilled my decanters.

I know, I know.  If I'm trying to walk the straight and narrow, why would I dangle the temptation in front of my face, especially in the form of Gentleman's Jack, Grey Goose, and 100% Agave Tequila poured into pretty glass Crate and Barrel decanters?

I will start off by saying that the Grey Goose is not my fault.  Number 1, I'm a Ketel One fella, and Number 2, I didn't buy it.  Last night at the Model Bartenders' gig, my fellow model bartender, former sub leaser and friend, Mark told me that before he moved out of my room in September, he put some left over Grey Goose in an empty two liter club soda bottle and left it in the refrigerator.  If I liked club soda more, I probably would have discovered this when I was still drinking. 

I checked the bottle this morning, and sure enough, the smell of top shelf wafted out of the plastic bottle.  I poured it into the empty decanter that I normally use for vodka and it filled it right to the top.  I sat it down and looked at the picture I saw.  I saw one out of three decanters filled next to the flowers and vase I swiped from the wedding reception.  The picture seemed incomplete.  Especially when I backed up and looked at the entire bar.  It seemed like a shrine to a god or goddess that was no longer worshiped or relevant.  It seemed a superfluous fixture in my spacious Fort Tryon apartment.  It just wasn't cool anymore.

I first set up that bar because it's my personal belief that every bachelor pad should have a proper bar.  It just makes sense for the single man to have an area for entertaining when he brings friends or a date over.  It's classy and classic. 

And that is why I decided to restock it.  For vanity reasons and for guests.  And so far so good.  Since I filled the decanters 9 and 1/2 hours ago, I've completely forgotten about it!  Not true, of course, but I have resided the decanters to company.  It's hospitable of me to have liquor available to my guests should they want some.  They'll have my jack, I'll have my tea, and all will be right with the world.

Netflix/Hulu+ of the night: Desperate Housewives
Non-alcoholic beverage of the night: Chamomile tea with Emergen-C

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