Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 9

Yeah, Paleo didn't happen today either.

I think it has to do with the fact that I need to go grocery shopping.  I didn't buy the Paleo food I needed, so my laziness took over.  When push comes to shove, I usually go for what's most convenient.  Today that convenience was in the form of oatmeal in lieu of the eggs I didn't have for breakfast, and a burrito delivered right to my door for lunch.

Tomorrow should be better.  I work half the day so I won't be able to eat anything!... except the catered food.  Dammit!

My other exciting event for the day was a date.  Yes, a date.  I met this gentleman online a couple years ago and we tried to get together a few times.  It didn't work at the time because I was gainfully employed and therefore on the opposite schedule of everyone else in the world, especially a teacher.

But we stayed in touch.  And this summer, he like so many other homos, made the pilgrimage to Provincetown, MA.  We recognized each other and hung out drunkenly in an alley late one night.  The next day he came to see me naked in my show.  We went on another date while he was there for the week, and then he had to leave.  We stayed in touch again, and when I was sufficiently settled in the city, we planned to meet.

Tonight was that meeting.  We were to meet at 8PM, after he met up with some friends who were visiting from out of town.  I extended it to 8:30PM, after my attempts to Bree Van De Camp my apartment today took longer than expected.  When I got off the subway a little before 8:30PM, a text message was waiting for me asking to meet me at the bar where his friends were.  I got to Boxers, I looked through the crowd for my friend and was about to text him again when I saw him.  He proceeded to hug me strongly and tell me that he had been drinking with his friends for two hours and was 4 drinks in. 

Being the professional drinker I am, and knowing that the queens in this town don't pour NEARLY as heavy as my lesbian bartender Renee at The Post Office Cabaret, I could have had 4 drinks in me, and still had a lovely date.  This guy, however, was a light weight, which was surprising considering his breadth.  He was very apologetic through his drunkenness, and was worried I would judge him.  Honestly, if I were on liquor I probably would have just caught up with him.  But because I was sober, the novelty of his state grew a little tiresome.

But it wasn't all bad.  I got to drive his car.  We had a nice dinner at Elmo, and some good (albeit aggressive) body contact.  And we ended the night parting ways on good terms, me promising to give him another chance for a date, and him saying he would cook for me next time.

I honestly think he's a good guy, just had two conflicting nights planned for the same night.  Get drunk with your buddies vs. make good impression on a date.  If I were him, I would have rescheduled with me and just partied it up with my friends, but I applaud his attempts, and expect a yummy Paleo dinner.

Netflix/Hulu+ of the night: South Park
Non-alcoholic beverage of the night: Peach iced tea crystal light

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