Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 7

One whole week!  Done it before, and I'll do again, but the week mark always feels like an accomplishment.

And since it's been a week, the time has come to stop substituting one dependency for another.  Tomorrow I begin my Paleo diet again.  I can't follow it to the T because I'm poor still.  So I just follow the basics.  No wheat, beans or dairy.  Usually, the hardest part is the dairy for me.  I LOVE me some cheese!  But, getting back to the number one reason I gave up liquor (VANITY) I need to stop destroying the good work I'm doing to my body with the lack of booze by chowing down on carbs.  So, the pizza I ate tonight was my last taste of crust and cheese for a while.

My first model bartender gig tonight went pretty well.  I met up with my fellow model bartenders at a car rental place on 37th street.  The event was to be a Benjamin Moore presentation at a West Elm in Paramus.  There were four of us in the van, an Italian, a Russian, a black guy and me.  We were meeting another at the venue.  The five of us got there, waited around for an hour and a half, set up glasses on a table, and waited for the 30-50 people to arrive.

It was weird.  I've never waited or tended bar, or catered or anything.  And I was definitely the only one out of these attractive men who didn't list "model" as a career objective on their resume (do models have resumes?) Not to mention, from what I could tell, I was the only gay one.  I felt like the odd man out.  Actually that's not true, I kinda felt like I was Mariska Hargitay as Detective Benson going undercover to infiltrate a dangerous serial rapist connected to this Model Batenders company.  I fit in like a glove but still observed the different personalities and asked probing questions.  Well, maybe my questions weren't probing, but being the only gay and the only performer, I played the entertainer to pass the boring uneventful hours.

At the end of the night, I served food then ate some leftovers, served wine, but didn't drink it, and made $20/hour.  All in all, not a bad night.

Here it goes.  Cold turkey.  No carbs.

Netflix/Hulu+ of the night: Desperate Housewives
Non-alcoholic drink of the night: Green tea with honey

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