Friday, October 21, 2011

Day 8

So today I cheated.

No, not on the liquor front, but on the carb front.  I blatantly started the day with the two scrambled eggs, coffee with coconut milk, and a bowl of oatmeal with almond butter and agave nectar.  I know, I know, I said no carbs.  But I was good the rest of the day.  I had a salad before the gym, a zero carb protein shake after, and then my Breath Destroyer* this evening.  I am having a bit of honey in my tea right now, but I think that's within my boundaries.

The oatmeal was bad, but at least a good bad.  At my meeting tonight, I was surrounded by free liquor AND pretzels, but I did not indulge.  I sipped my venti sugar-free vanilla americano, and was all business, no indulgence.  Although I'm sure the venti americano wasn't good for my sleeping issues.  It's also probably the rason my house got so clean this evening.

Back to the meeting.  Tonight I met with Tom and Michael, my producers who gave me my jobs this summer, to discuss one of them transferring to a venue a little closer to home: The Snapple Center on 50th street and Broadway.  Yes, that's right kids, ICONS, our little drag show that could, is coming to the Big Apple.  I gotta say, I'm excited.  I'll be performing in probably three late-night shows on the weekends, so even when I get another Broadway gig (I'm trying the confidence thing these days) I'll be able to rush over to the Snapple Center and jump onstage behind my queens and have fun!

Maybe ICONS will be a hit, and maybe it won't.  But in the meantime, it will be fun.  And it will be an accomplishment.  Something I helped to create will be going up near Times Square.  It feels pretty good.  An ex-boyfriend of mine and I once joked that we would move back to Florida (his home state) and open a club like in The Birdcage.  He would manage and I would, star, or at least direct.  Now, it's kindof happening, minus the boyfriend and the Sunshine State.

Maybe it's the lack of booze, or the increasing opportunities, but I'm feeling very optimistic recently.  Maybe all these good turns in my life are breeding a little more confidence.  Maybe it's the oatmeal in the morning.  Things are a little more sunny these days, despite the increasingly cold weather.

*Recipe for the Breath Destroyer
-2 cans of tuna
-Minced garlic
-Black pepper
-Half an avocado (optional)
-Some chopped kale (optional)

Netflix/Hulu+ of the night: Desperate Housewives
Non-alcoholic drink of the night: Loose leaf passion green tea with honey

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