Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 12

A little late in posting about Day 12.  Only by 24 hours.  But it's been a busy couple days.

Monday was jam packed with activities for yours truly.  To start I had a lunch date with a friend.  We chatted and caught up, and he picked up the tab.  A successful lunch indeed. 

After that, I was supposed to meet a friend who is staying with me for the week.  He however missed his bus in Philly because, as he put it, he woke up hung over next to a 21 year old of non descript ethnicity.  So I continued on with my day.

Next I was to have a voice lesson to prepare for my audition on Tuesday.  My degree is in dance, so i don't have as much training in voice.  I think I've always had a good voice, at least that's what I've been told.  But it's time to start learning how to use it properly.  Proper placement, breath control, all that stuff, so that hopefully I won't have to rely on my dancing skills for the rest of my career.  Let's face it, my knees/ankles/hips/general LEGS are gonna go eventually.  Gotta start cultivating the other talents.  Then the problem becomes getting known as more than just a dancer.  But, so far so good.  My voice lesson went well and I felt more or less prepared to kick ass at my audition. 

My friend, Daniel, finally got into town after my voice lesson, so I met up with him and handed off my keys.

After that, I went to a rehearsal for ICONS New York.  There's not need for too much rehearsal as we're a returning cast.  The only problem is, some of the people are returning from the first year.  We've done a whole other summer since then, with some new additions.  So, it's my job to catch the old alums up with the new alums.  And that task started yesterday, and like my voice, slowly but surely it's all being laid out.

Do from wake up, 9AM, to end of rehearsal, 9PM I really didn't stop moving.  The subway ride home was a welcome time of rest from carrying my heavy borough bag from place to place.

When I got home, Daniel was there and we caught up like two cackling hens as I made dinner.  Ended up staying up a little later than I had planned, and had to rush myself to bed in order to get enough rest for my audition the next day.  That's why I didn't write last night.  I know some of you may have thought that maybe I indulged in my newly filled decanters, but alas, I did not.  Just a simple mocktail, a paleo dinner, Hulu+ blazing on the flat screen and copious amounts of girl talk.

Netflix/Hulu+ of the night: South Park
Non-alcoholic beverage of the night: POM juice with club soda in a red wine glass

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