Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 3

Day 3, done.

Still could use a drink. Still over indulged in food. I even had a pumpkin cream cheese muffin from Starbucks today! Who am I? But, like I said in day two, I'm letting myself eat a little more poorly just until my cravings go down a bit for booze. It's usually easier after the first week. So until then, PRETZEL CHIPS!

This morning began with me trying to get out of bed at 11:30AM. Now this isn't really unusual for me. When I went out, I'd be out late then come home and watch something and crawl into bed around 4AM. Now that I'm not going out, you'd think I'd just go to bed earlier. I'm not for two reasons: 1. When you're on a sleeping schedule like that, it's hard to break it. 2. I have no downer at night. Remember in Day 2 when I mentioned that I usually have coffee in the morning and a drink at night? Well, now I have my upper in the morning, but nothing at night. So, I could basically stay up till dawn if I wanted to most of the time. But as I don't yet have a job that will allow me to do that, I have to start getting regular sleep.

I've tried sleepy time tea, and it works a little bit, but it also makes me have to get up and pee at night. So following the advice of friends, I'm taking melatonin when it's time to sleep. And sure enough, 10mg of melatonin puts me to sleep within a half an hour. The only bad side is, I wake up feeling groggy and feeling a little drugged. Almost like a hangover.

Dammit! I thought one of the benefits of not using liquor as a sleep inducer was not having to deal with the aftermath the next day. Turns out taking natural supplements can do that too! Oy!

After climbing out from under my melatonin-head this morning with the help of my old friend Juan Valdez, I started off my day by catching up on the new Sarah Michelle Gellar vehicle Ringer. Being of the Buffy fan that I am, I was anxious to see SMG in a role that wasn't the slayer. The premise is sort of worn territory of mistaken identity with identical twins played by the same actress. I mean I think EVERY soap opera ever has done this. I know that Days of Our Lives had one actress play triplets (one being a man) as well as her regular character who happened to look like the triplets. So far though, it's exciting enough for me to stick around (there was just a MURDER!) But I gotta wonder where they're gonna go with this. The twins are gonna have to meet up again soon. One twin can't just go on playing the other. And if you just kill off one of the twins, you've jumped the shark, and there's no more anticipation. Guess I'll have to stay tuned.

After SMG and a little SVU I decided to do something at least a little productive today. I decided to get the materials to make my tiara for my Halloween costume, and to go to the gym. Every year for Halloween I try to top myself. Not like that, sickos. Usually I decide what I want to do about 6 months before Halloween, then I start planning. This year, I knew on my last birthday. On December 2nd I saw Black Swan. I mean, it's the clear choice for me. Dance, and an amazing costume, and fierce makeup. Done and done. Granted, everyone had this idea, and I'm sure I'll be one of many Black Swans this year. But because of my Rocky Horror background, I go for screen accuracy. I'm not just slapping on a leotard and tutu and a feather in my hair. Nope, I've bought and updated a corset, applied many feather appliques, sewn and glued on rhinestones and constructed a screen accurate tiara. It was hard to do on an unemployed budget (thank God for my tax refund and parents).

Once I got what I needed for my costume, I headed off to Golds. I worked some major and minor muscle groups and I gotta admit that I felt like I had some more energy during my workout. It could have been the double shot of espresso, but since I've often drank a magnum red bull before a workout and still yawned during it, I imagine it could be the lack of booze over the past couple of days. I mean, it's still early on so who knows. All I know is it felt good.

Well, it's now 3AM into day four. I guess I'll need a melatonin again tonight. Maybe I'll take just a half.

Netflix/Hulu+ of the night: South Park
Non-alcoholic beverage of the night: Pomegranate juice and club soda in a red wine glass

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