Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 6

I had a very interesting day today.

It started out with a phone call from Model Bartenders confirming my gig for tomorrow, while I was preparing for my audition today.

Then I got a text from my old friend Mike.  He asked me if I was going to the 10 year reunion (OY!) I replied I wasn't going and he said he was.  He told me he'd take pictures.

Mike was one of the reasons I gave up liquor this past Spring.  He fell into some trouble with the drink in the recent past.  So much that he went to jail for a DWI.  He lost his job.  His wife left him, and took the kids.  Even that didn't stop him from drinking.  But it sure made me take a look at myself. 

I asked him if he was sober now.  He said he was.  I told him I was.  And we started talking about how tough it is, but ultimately really good for you.  He's at least a month ahead of me in sobriety, and I'm so glad to hear it, cause honestly, with all his problems, he has quite the excuse to fall in the bottle.  His father drank and was always bouncing from job to job, has been through at least two marriages, and from what I can tell still drinks. Mike was just following his father's example, and for awhile didn't see any way how to NOT follow him.  He figured he would just become his father, and there was no way out. 

That always hurt me so much because when we were young, he was someone I looked up to.  He's a brilliant mechanic, and loves to work with cars.  He and his father taught me how to change a tire.  And he would talk to no end about cars.  Me being me, I couldn't listen to car talk all day long, so eventually zoned out, but it was clear he loves it.  I really hope he finds that love again and uses it to make a career because I think he could be brilliant at it.

I still look up to Mike.  If he can face his addiction, I can certainly cut back for as long as it takes to gain some perspective.

I was glad to hear from Mike.  And I was also glad that this morning I found an in-plan gay psychologist with a dancer for his partner.  Could there be anyone more suited to hear and help me deal with my issues?  I had my first session with him today.  I'm going again next week.


Week mark tomorrow.

Netflix/Hulu+ of the night: Law and Order: Special Victim's Unit
Non-alcoholic drink of the night: Peach Iced Tea Crystal Light

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