Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 2

So it's the end of day two and I'm still without booze. Yippee!

So far, so good. There have been no moments of epiphany where I feel so much better that I never want to touch the sauce again. I definitely want a glass of wine right now. It's part of my routine. Coffee in the morning; a drink (or 12) at night. Uppers and downers. Just like Judy.

That being said, today I again made the decision not to drink.

I did however make the decision to eat.

This is something that happens when I go off liquor. Part of the fun of drinking is it's an indulgence. A reward at the end of the day. A celebration. When I take that away, my mind searches for something else to use as a release. Some people use sex. I use carbs. I imagine it's the same for smokers.

Last night after the gym, I knew I wouldn't be drinking, so I got hungry. I decided that I wanted some penne with pesto and chicken. So I bought some organic whole wheat penne, made all 1 lb of it, mixed in some basil pesto and threw in the two breasts of chicken I had cooked two nights previous. To the lay person this probably sounds perfectly healthy. To those of us who see carbs as the devil, I just accepted him completely and wholly into my body... and loved every inch.

Today I indulged further at breakfast with oatmeal with almond butter and blueberries, the rest of the penne for lunch, General Tso's chicken with brown rice and a large wanton soup.

I'm letting myself "replace the indulgence" for a little while longer with the justification that I can't deprive myself of everything at the same time! I want to lay off coffee too, but I think no liquor, no carbs and no coffee might put me into shock. The DTs are gonna be bad enough.

While I wasn't eating, it was a almost productive today. With my tax return now deposited into my account, I could finally afford the ultimate accessory in interior design: curtains. I headed on down to Bed Bath and Beyond and found some stylish yet affordable green curtains and the hardware to put them up.

After they were up, I didn't feel like heading back downtown, so I did a home workout with a jump rope, an ab wheel, a pull-up bar and some perfect push-ups. You know, that's almost as good as a full gym.

And in the midst of all that, I receive a phone call from the agents with whom I'm freelancing with an audition for a Lebanese commercial this Tuesday. So far next week I have that one, and one on Wednesday for a play in Brooklyn that pays a stipend of $450 for rehearsals and show. Every thing's coming up Millhouse!

It's now past midnight Day 2 is officially over, and Nomi is waiting for her food. See you after day 3.

Netflix/Hulu+ of the night: Let's Make Love/New York, I Love You
Non-alcoholic beverage of choice today: Loose-leaf passion green tea with honey.


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