Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 4

Day four done.

I'm starting to notice that when you're broke, unemployed, and not drinking, your days tend to consist of the same things:  Staying in, watching TV and eating bad food.  In my case I throw a gym in there 4-6 days a week too.  But I gotta say, I'm getting bored.  At least when I was drinking the menial things I did at home seemed fun, or maybe the liquor just numbed the boringness of it all.

Either way, I'm bored.

That's why today, while doing the staying in, watching TV and eating bad food routine, I changed it up a little.  I went onto the website of an acting studio I belong to, and signed up for a class!  Sure it was $525 for a two-day 9 hour/day class, but I need to train in my craft, especially in areas I have to work on.  I've never really taken a good acting class, and never only one on-camera acting class.  Hopefully this class will give me the training I need to start going into on-camera calls, and give my agents the confidence to SEND ME ON SOME ALREADY! 

Earlier today, I dropped off my resume at a new country western bar in Hell's Kitchen called Flaming Saddles.  I would have to serve drinks and most likely dance on a bar for tips.  I would be find with this except I know that people I know will probably come to the bar.  People I've worked with in the past, and people who are still working in the business... on Broadway. 

I mean, work is work, and a girl's gotta eat, but that's gonna be a big hit to my pride.  I'm still hoping I'll snatch a legit job before I'm on the regular schedule at Flaming Saddles, but in the mean time, I just need an inflow of money to support this nasty acting class habit of mine.

As I was walking away from Flaming Saddles, I was thinking about the idea of image.  I know ideally what other people think about you isn't supposed to matter, but let's face it, it does.  I think one of the reasons I started to double think my drinking was when almost everyone I know had a certain idea about me.

One of my friends wanted to get back in touch after we were both away for the summer.  He's a fellow PS3 gamer and I told him we could hang out and he could tutor me on the system.  And he responded by saying, "Or we could go out drinking and you could tutor me in that!"  Funny and glib, and nothing necessarily hurtful.  But when coupled with many other of my friends saying similar things, it starts to not sound so funny, and it makes you take a second look.

So I think I'm gonna add that to my reasons I stopped drinking for awhile.

I don't want to be known as a drunk, or a functioning alcoholic, or even someone who drinks a lot.  I don't want other people thinking those things about me, and I don't want to think those things about myself.  I've always stood by the old adage "I cannot control how I am perceived, I can only control how I am presented."  So if I don't present myself as a drunk, I won't be perceived as one.  And there are so many things in this world that people can label you as without even talking to you first, that there's no reason to give any asshole out there any more ammunition.

Netflix/Hulu+ of the night: South Park (again)
Non-alcoholic beverage of the night: Jasmine green tea with honey

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