Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 14

2 weeks in.  Decanters filled with liquor.  My liver still empty of it.

Today was a relaxing day.  A little too relaxing, actually.  I like having some time on my hands, but too much time, reminds me of the less then stellar condition of my career these days.  Especially when I e-mailed my agent to ask for feedback on the Chicago audition, and I've still yet to hear back.

So, I distracted myself.

I started by relaxing with my electronic devices. A bluray plus some chat with my friend, Danny, online.  It was then that I had an idea.

My room mate received some bad news last night.  And I thought I would get my bake on to try and cheer him up.  I try not to do anything half-assed when I bake.  Nothing premixed.  It's more fun that way.  Feels like you actually create something.  So, after finding a great chocolate chip cookie recipe online, and getting some advice from Danny, I headed to the market.

I got back and followed the recipe exactly.  The key to baking is precision.  When you cook there's wiggle room, when you bake, there isn't.  And my recipe produced 24 big, beautiful and delicious cookies.  I left them in my room mate's room hoping they'd brighten his day a little.

All the baking time made my gym window a little too small, so instead, I cleaned up around the house.  On another day I could have done both the gym and cleaning, but this evening a friend had scored some tickets to a show I was wanting to see.  Follies on Broadway.  So I cleaned myself and the dishes and headed downtown.

Follies was great!  And not just because it was a well thought out and performed production by my friends as well as Broadway veterans.  Because it was a big, beautiful, emotional Broadway show about people in the theatre. The dancing, the songs, and the stars all reminded me of one thing: I love the theatre.  I love the whole experience of it.  And it's what I want to do for the rest of my life.  Performing was my first love, and it will most likely be my last. 

It was good to see this show after a day that I had been discouraged about the business.  Yesterday reminded me of the hard and sometimes ugly side of the business: basically begging people to like you enough to give you a job.  Tonight reminded me of the sheer joy and passion you feel when you're doing what you've loved to do your whole life.

I'm so glad I got to see this show, and go backstage to congratulate my friends on the great job they did, and shake Bernadette Peters' hand. 

Now if only I wasn't stood up tonight, I might have faith in another type of love.  Ah well.

Netflix/Hulu+ of the night: Desperate Housewives
Non-alcoholic beverage of the night: Sleepy Time tea with honey

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